Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Leaving the farm gate!!

This is usually the last image that the farmer has of their commodity.  As farmers we are fantastic at being able to grow, spray, harvest etc our crops but very little of us have a good understanding of what happens to our commodity once it leaves the farm gate.  We also don't usually have a good understanding about what happens to turn this commodity into a consumable product.

As part of my 2013 Nuffield Scholarship sponsored by the GRDC I am looking to gain an understanding into the supply chain processing and potential value adding opportunities for the pulse industry.

One of my aims is to understand what is involved to get the crop that we sowed into the ground to the end consumer.  along the way I will also get an understanding about what globally effects the price at the farm gate.

Above is usually the last time that the farmer gets to see their grain.

The trucks are being loaded with Broad Beans from "Boonderoo Pastoral Company" carted by "Glen Carron" bulk haulage (Pat Harold 0408 087563) to be delivered to "Australian Milling Group" (David Marshman 0427 823975).